Answer: Option A
Culture is is not instinct. It is way of life of people. It plays a huge role in their behavior. In some culture, women believe the covering of the female body and therefore learn how to cover their body by making clothes that will do that. It's not instinct that just comes into play. Most children see their parents gets up in the morning and pray, others learn from their parents by seeing or asking why they eat together and they begin to practice it. That is culture. Instinct is inbuilt in is a behaviorial respond to stimuli by man.
A place to fish
Fresh drinking water
Good farming conditions
Provides trading routes
The Eritreans' situation is a clear example of the immigration process people from many countries of the world go through
Immigrants decide to go to other countries (mainly developed countries) as a way to seek better opportunities when talking about monetary, educational and welfare. A clear example of this is the one concerning Latinamericans going to USA, Canada or Europe as well as the people from the Middle East. However, there are situations in which people must leave their countries because or the political or economical crisis that they go through, just like the all the internal conflict that is happening in Venezuela.
The federalism divides and balances power between state and national government.
“Laboratories of federalism/democracy” relates to the advantage of federalism: federalism allows and encourages innovation and experminetation.
The federalism focuses on creating culture of innovation for a broad range of policy areas—particularly for education.