Descartes and Kant both were a famous philosopher. Descarte wants to know about the truth. He begins with everything with doubt and argues that knowledge derives from the certainty of the existence of one's consciousness and the innate ideas it holds. Primary innate ideas were ideas of mathematical and ideas of god. On this foundation, Descarte told us that all knowledge is built on this phenomenon. On the other hand, Kant looked at both rationalists Descartes and Hume, Locke, Berkeley. Kant believed that the main problem with rationalist is that it ultimately, established a great system of logical relationship ungrounded in observations. The problem with empiricism was that it led to the conclusion that all certain knowledge are confined with the senses.
Answer: Weber's Law
Weber's law states that alteration or difference occurring in stimulus that can be fairly noticeable defines constant ratio of the actual stimulus. It is used field of quantitative psychology.
According to the question,Weber law is being displayed when Charlie has the capability to detect small boxes weight difference sufficiently as just-noticeable but is not able to identify the weight of washing machine and dryer as it is not noticed by him in general way .
According to the functionalist perspective, social institutions such as higher education institutions play an important role to the smooth and harmonious functioning of society. The functionalist perspective therefore focuses on the positive functions of higher education. This include creating social solidarity, and teaching the skills necessary to work.
Industrialization is not only an engine for employment, wealth and technical skill, but an engine for the development of technology. Modern conveniences, medical advances, changes in lifestyle, education, popular living locations, transportation development, machination - all of these are examples of how industrialization has contributed to widespread and large scale changes to how people live, and how well they live.
It is also probably the single greatest factor for the enlargement of and migration to the cities. Take the explosion in the US population in the North after 1865, for example, as a direct result of rapid industrial development.
If an economy is experiencing inflation, aggregate demand is above full-employment and the government will increase spending and decrease taxes.
Answer: Option B
The inflationary gap occurs when total demand is greater than the level of the outcome at full employment. Therefore, inflationary gap is the estimation of the excess amount of total demand over total supply at full employment. The hike in the amount of discretionary income for both consumers and business results from the government’s expansionary fiscal policy.
When government or pivotal authority slit taxes the investment for capital improvement, new hiring or employee’s payment reimbursement is processed by businesses and consumers may spend more for buying goods. The government can also encourage economy by investing in infrastructure projects. Such actions can result in a price hike due to the high demand for goods and services.