They moved to France a FEW years ago.
Answer choices:
Many- the phrase "very many makes sense.
A little- the phrase- "very a little" doesn't make sense.
A few- the phrase "very a few" doesn't make sense.
Some- the phrase "very some" doesn't make sense.
Less- the phrase "very less" doesn't make sense.
Fewer- the phrase "very fewer" doesn't make sense.
Several - the phrase "very several" doesn't make sense.
Much- the phrase "very much" makes sense.
However, taken in context, much is correct in this sentence.
We don’t get very many mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
We don’t get very much mail on Saturdays; most of it comes during the week.
A) economic interest groups.
Groups that have a vested financial interest. Businesses, labor unions, and professions make up the majority of economic interest groups.
It is feautrured in Songs of Experience because the poem talks about the experience of a tiger. It is a suspense poem. Indeed, the life of a tiger is full of suspenses. The poem's opening lines are:
<em>Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
<em>In the forests of the night;
<em>What immortal hand or eye,
<em>Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
The poet praises the the qualities of the tiger by asking questions without answering them. In the remaining lines of the poem, the author continues praising the perfectness of the animal, calling it dark craftsmanship. The thought-provoking point is about the comparison between <em>The Tyger</em> and the previous poem <em>The Lamb </em>which the poet himself doubts that the same God could create innocent spirit like a lamb and such a fierce animal like tiger at the same time. or it could be interpreted as God's different expressions showing his kindness in the face of lamb and his anger in the qualities of tiger.