Answer: WHAT WAS THE SAME 1) reigning dynasty was Bourbon dynasty, 2) there was no democracy and democratic participation on political order (no elections), 3) society continued being not secularized (unity of trone and altar), 4) no free press (freedom of expression). "Declaration de l´homme et du citoyen" (preamble of all French constitutions) was not put in reality. WHAT WAS DIFFERENT: 1) power of dynasty was increasingly dependent on foreign countries, dynasty had weak support from the population, dynasty was put back on the basis of Vienna Congress (1814-1815), 2) French kings had to make concessions (limited monarchy), 3) there were three currents on the right-wing political spectre: - legistimistes (supporting absolute monarchy and Bourbon dynasty), - orleanistes (supporting constitutional monarchy of the house of Orleans), - napoleonistes (supporting house of Napoleon), - there was much less credibility of Bourbon dynasty.
it was bloody, tragic, and had one winner : ) sry i jus rlly need to answer a few questions to get brainly plus XD
The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they feared that the new national government would be too powerful and thus threaten individual liberties, given the absence of a bill of rights.
But in short terms, the answer would be
A.It gave to much Power to the States
They sought more hospitable climate.
It is either a or b djdjdjdndns. Dndndn