The events that led to the division of British India into India and Pakistan was a method the British had to secure how independence would take place. The British government had a system of political control of “divide and rule” and because of that, this strategy was perfect.
Muslims were 25% of British India’s population, therefore a religious minority. They were afraid of losing protection as the independence of India got closer.
With the approach of WWII, things got even worse, since the British took India into the war without consultation of the population or the legislative, this caused even more pressure for independence and the creation of a separate state.
The separation between India and Pakistan caused riots, mass casualties, a wave of migration - Muslims headed towards Pakistan and Hindus and Sikhs headed into India -, and a death toll of 2 million people.
The public school students' <em>silent</em> protest, by using <em>symbols</em>, in the form of armbands, during school time, cost the students a suspension, because it was considered a <em>violation of a school rule</em>. After the case had been judged by the Supreme Court, they finally won the case. But the outcome could be different, if their protest used "indecent speech" or promoted illegal drug use.
neo confucianism was a mix of confucianism, bhuddism, and daoism.
Because in the house of representatives there are 435 people which means there couldn't be a tie and if they were to give it to the senate there could be a tie.