The end of the Ottoman empire<span> unleashed a renaissance in literature and the arts. Traditional arts had suffered under ailing economies and the transfer of patronage from urban regional centers to the Ottoman court. By World War I, artists had turned to Western art as a representative form of modern expression. As a result, a new separation emerged between traditional art in all its forms and what came to be known as the fine art of easel painting. Traditional arts such as painting on glass and leather, woodwork, </span>glassmaking<span>, metalwork, textiles, and wall frescoes were considered naive and repetitive, relying less on intellect and more on archaic traditions. </span>Painting on glass<span> is one example of a dying tradition that ended with the passing of the last Syrian painter in this genre (</span><span>Abou Subhi al-Tinawi, <span>Muhammad ‘Ali fi al-Sham</span></span>
He found the first Egyptian Dynasty.
Dynastic rule is when a group of people, commonly a family, rules over a country and when the king dies his son or daughter becomes the next king or queen and it goes like that forever unless something groundbreaking happens like a revolution. Dynastic rule became common form of rule up until the modern era.
Easy, River Ganges and the Son River.
Moreover, these two Rivers also represents the boundary of the original kingdom.
Magadha was the most powerful nation at the time and was home to 2 of largest and the greatest empires in Indian subcontinent. Namely, Gupta Empire and the Mauryan Empire. Emperor Dharma Ashoka is considered the greatest ruler of them all.
Today, the region of Magadha belongs to Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal and Bihar.