Maybe you have some sort of allergy. This isn't always the case, maybe you got water up your nose and its coming back out, or maybe you have fluids that need to leave your body. Or just maybe you're sick. In which case wear a mask when going outside.
In Jack London's "To build a fire" the main theme is Man vs. Nature, the main character is crossing the Alaskan frozen landscape, following the path of the Yukon river. He dismisses the advice of the old-timer and he also doesn't pay attention to his companion, the dog who can feel the threat of the harsh weather. The right answer is the second option.
Change "Unhelpful" to "Destructive" is your answer to this question
Hi there. I believe it is 50 characters long if I am not mistaken. I have microsoft so I'm pretty sure I'm right. Hope I helped you!
...the answer is already written by you...