3 and 7
They have the same DNA genomes.
With sleep deprivation, the levels of leptin fall and the levels of ghrelin rise.
What is leptin ?
Your body secretes a hormone called leptin that aids in long-term maintenance of your normal weight. Your blood's concentration of leptin and how much body fat you have are intimately correlated. Despite the fact that your body has enough fat reserves, leptin resistance makes you feel hungry and make you eat more.
What is ghrelin ?
Small amounts of ghrelin are also released by the small intestine, pancreas, and brain. Ghrelin is primarily synthesized and released by the stomach.
To learn more about Ghrelin click on the link below:
How do you think the human body uses cohesion?
cohesion is a water property which affects the living and noon-living things in the environment. Adhesive property of water allows water to stick to non-water molecules
A water drop is composed of water molecules that like to stick together-an example of the property of cohesion.
Hope this helps!!! ^ω^
Any of the answers are correct. This question is completely opinionated (I chose no).
[If you limit your interpretation of the biological species concept to only what happens in nature, lions and tigers are separate species. In contrast, if you consider what is possible with human intervention, you could argue that lions and tigers are not separate species since they can be crossed to form fertile ligers.
The biological species concept is one of over 20 different species concepts that attempt to put nature into human-constructed categories. Most biologists would agree that the challenge of defining species has still not been elegantly solved.]