Biogeochemical cycles are pathways by which nutrients flow between the abiotic and abiotic compartments of the Earth. The abiotic portion of the Earth includes the lithosphere (the geological component of the Earth) and the hydrosphere (the Earth’s water).
Ecosystems rely on biogeochemical cycles. Many of the nutrients that living things depend on, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous are in constant circulation.
Essential elements are often stored in reservoirs, where they can be taken out of circulation for years. For example, coal is a reservoir for carbon.
Humans can affect biogeochemical cycles. Humans extract carbon and nitrogen from the geosphere and use them for energy and fertilizer. This has increased the amount of these elements in circulation, which has detrimental effects on ecosystems.
a. M_D_
: 9/16 Black furred individuals
b. M__dd
: 3/16 gray furred individuals (1/16 MMdd + 2/16 Mmdd)
c. mmD_
: 3/16 Brow-furred individuals (1/16 mmDD + 2/16 mmDd)
d. mmdd: 1/16 gray furred individuals.
Available data:
- Dense pigment gene, D, codes for melanophilin.
- D allele dominant over d.
- Gene M/m is responsible for the production of the pigment
- M is dominant over m
- If D is present, M/m is expressed
- If dd is present, M/m is not expressed
- DDMM, DdMM, DDMm, DdMm --->Black fur
- DDmm, Ddmm ---> Brown fur
- ddMM, ddMm -----> Light gray fur
Cross: between two dihybrids
Parental) DdMm x DdMm
Phenotype) Black-furred Black-furred
Gametes) DM, Dm, dM, dm DM, Dm, dM, dm
Punnet Square) DM Dm dM dm
Dm DDMm DDmm DdMm Ddmm
dM DdMM DdMm ddMM ddMm
dm DdMm Ddmm ddMm ddmm
F1) 9/16 Black-furred individuals, D-M- (1/16 DDMM + 2/16 DDMm + 2/16
DdMM + 4/16 DdMm)
3/16 Brown-furred individuals, D-mm ( 1/16 DDmm + 2/16 Ddmm)
4/16 Gray-furred individuals, dd-- ( 1/16ddMM + 1/16 ddmm + 2/16 ddMm)
An adaptation can be viewed as a trait that emerged and developed for a certain condition so as to increases the organism changes of survival or fitness.
For a trait to be called adaptive, it must have had a positive influence but not majorly a trait that develops in reaction to a certain selection pressure.
Categorically, a trait is seen as adaptation if it is the aftermath of selection, and adaptive if it is of favourable influence at the existing time.
1inch 2cm 8ft have a nice day and good luck!