Explanation:The Tarahumara or Raramuri, as they call themselves, inhabit the Copper Canyon, as it is known in the U.S., or the Sierra Tarahumara in northwest Mexico. The actual name Tarahumara was what the first Spanish called these Native American people
Ana María tiene los zapatos de su hermana.
In the first an article is used because the shoes (sister) are determined and the second is a preposition.
Amable would be the best answer because its a friendly gesture.
Here's an example:
Marta y María <em><u>están preparando</u></em> la cena en la cocina.
1. Mi hermana y yo <u>hicimos </u>desayunos muy buenos.
2. Clarita <u>hizo </u>collares para su mama.
3. Que <u>hicieron </u>Uds. durante sus vacaciones de verano?
4. Mi hija <u>hizo </u>su cama esta manana.
5. Yo <u>hice </u>un pastel para el cumpleanos de mi hijo