Woodrow Wilson would have delivered his 14 points with the following opening lines:
We are poised to stand against aggressions that have the capacity to destabilize key regions around the world.
A destabilized region has the potential to create heightened levels of political instability, unrest, interstate conflict, etc. State failures are not contagious however, some of their negative consequences can spread to other states. Hence, we have taken up the responsibility to prevent that from happening.
The Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 and its tormented and violent legacy would resonate in Chinese embrace of bourgeois values and lack of revolutionary spirit.
Vasco de Gama.
He was the first to find a route to india by going around africa
The common thing between these three types of activities is that they form a production chain giving customers the provision of finished goods or services.
Primary production involves acquirement of raw materials for production like coal, metal, rubber tapping etc.
Secondary production involves manufacturing and assembly process that involves the use of such raw materials.
Tertiary production involves commercial services that support the production and distribution process.
All the processes occur in line with each other, where the working of one is essential for the other.