See explaination
#Run the code in the python version 3.x.
#Define the function.
def shampoo_instructions(num_cycles):
#Check the cycles to be greater than 1.
if num_cycles < 1:
#Display the statement.
print('Too few.')
#Check the cycles to be greater than 4.
elif num_cycles > 4:
#Display the statement.
print('Too many.')
#The else part.
#Initialize the variable.
N = 1;
#Begin the for loop.
for N in range(N, num_cycles+1):
#Print the result.
print(N , ": Lather and rinse.")
#Print the statement.
#Call the function.
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because if u upload it will not save .
Matlab code is:
1 7 13 19 25
3 9 15 21 27
5 11 17 23 29
The code is tested and is correct. If you put a semi colon ' ; ' at the end of every statement then your answer will be calculated but matlab doesn't show it until you ask i.e. typing the variable (Va, Vb, Vc )and press enter.
the answer is true hope it helps
a) Global
The scope of a variable declared outside of any function is Global.
Let us consider an example:
int g;
int add(int a,int b){
return a+b;
int subtract(int a,int b){
return a-b;
Here the variable g is defined outside any function and is accessible anywhere within the program. This is a global variable.
Variables defined within each function - a,b on the other hand have a local scope are are visible only within their respective function bodies.