c. Using the Data Refinery tool
Data wrangling and tidying in Data Science is the process whereby data to be analysed is obtained, cleaned and arranged before it is analysed in the environment.
Since Watson Studio happens to be an IBM premier integrated development environment for data science and artificial intelligence practitioners, there is need for them to have data softwares to make data scientists practitioners' works easier.
<em>In this scenario, the best tools to aid in tidying data in the Watson studio would be the use of </em><u><em>Data Refinery Tool.</em></u>
For tools, I would simply use Adobe Photoshop to create the label/poster for the brand of soup. In order to make the poster or representation of the soup look homemade, I would place a picture of a kid drinking the soup at a kitchen table with a picture of the mom in the background kitchen. Then I would create a light yellowish tint in the image and steam coming from the soup bowl. This would help the brand represent a form of memory to a delicious homemade meal by a parent.
There Is an App that you downloaded that allows this. you have to find it and disable it
Radio buttons exist like selection lists in which they limit fields to a set of potential values; but, unlike selection lists, the options appear as respective controls in the web form.
What is Radio button?</h3>
A radio button or option button exists as a graphical control element that permits the user to select only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. The singular property of a radio button causes it distinct from checkboxes, where the user can select and unselect any numeral of items.
Radio buttons exist as a common way to permit users to make a single selection from a list of options. Since only one radio button can be selected at a period (within the same group), each available option must be its item and label. Radio buttons exist like selection lists in which they limit fields to a set of potential values; but, unlike selection lists, the options appear as respective controls in the web form.
To learn more about Radio button refer to: