A. True.
Secops or security- operation is a mechanism that focus on merging and collaborating the security team and the development operation team. It is made to prevent, sacrificing one for the other like the security of an application for the functionality and development of the application.
It tries to create communication between both teams, for every decision made to equally and positively affect both teams operation and result.
Answer: Environment sensing Collector
An environmental monitoring system or collectors is the process which a device uses in monitoring the quality of the environment. These devices or software allows for a realtime monitoring and checking of any parameter required. They are used to monitor and collect data on environmental conditions such as relative humidity, temperature, dew and frost point, differential pressure, pressure, flow, and many more.
The conversion factor is 10 to the 9th power
B. Put it in quotes if it is directly quoted as is and cite the source. You should likely also list the source in the works cited but not the phrase itself.
If you receive in bulk the unsolicited messages, then that does mean that your inbox is being spammed. This will not harm you but you will lose the Gb that is allocated to your mailbox. And if you will not check then your mailbox will soon be full, and you might not receive some of the important messages that you should reply to immediately.