it has animation, but it does not have multimedia and only has text and no images
With the Exclusive Lock, a data item can be read as well as written. Also called write lock. An exclusive lock prevents any other locker from obtaining any sort of a lock on the object. They can be owned by only one transaction at a time
real-time analytics
Real time analytics is a type of data analysis that is done immediately the data for analysis is available. This can allow users to draw conclusion or acquire new insights swiftly and immediately the data enters their system. Businesses use real time analytics when there is a need to make and execute new decisions without hesitation.
A business that wants to centralize its administrative tasks and simultaneously wants the existing system to manage and sustain the growing amount of work in a capable manner would use real-time analytics.
public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
Using Java prograamming Language.
The Method (function) print_popcorn_time is defined to accept a single parameter of type int
Using if...else if ....else statements it prints the expected output given in the question
A complete java program calling the method is given below
public class num6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int bagOunces = 7;
public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
Depends on the player base
I would say rewarding to be honest because people like rewards and if they look cool people might play even at their bedtime but humorous might make players play the game more to see the jokes but I kind of doubt it, frustrating... they either rage or try to beat the quest or whatever it is to flex or something I don't know and confusing, like the frustrating one but people are into mystery so I think C would be better then B but I don't know about the other 2 so In my opinion I would say D