Sarah Good was born to a prosperous innkeeper in 1653.However, her father's estate became entangled in litigation leaving Sarah Good in poverty. After the death of her first husband, she married William Good. The Goods lived a life of begging and poverty in Salem Village. Sarah was regarded as an unsavory person and has come to be regarded through literature as the stereotypical witch, a disreputable old hag. Good was among the first three women accused of witchcraft in 1692 and was the first to testify. She never confessed guilt, but, like Tituba,she did accuse Sarah Osburne, an act that was credited with validating the witchcraft trials and accusations. Good was hanged as a witch on Tuesday July 19, 1692,but not until after the imprisonment of her six year old child Dorcas, also accused of witchcraft, and the tragic death of her infant in prison.In February of 1692, Sarah Osborne became one of the first three victims to be accused of witchcraft in Salem Village. As the widow of Robert Prince-a Salem Villager who purchased a 150-acre farm next to his friend Captain John Putnam's, Osborne was required (by Prince's will) to carry-over their estate to their two young sons. However, by attempting to overtake possession of the property for herself and her new husband, Irish immigrant Alexander Osborne, Sarah Osborne upset social norms that consequently resulted in accusations of witchcraft by the Putnam family. She died in prison on May 10, 1692.
I cant rn But Whats your user like to play a different time. :)
The literary technique used in all three examples is <u>metaphor</u>.
<u>A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an indirect comparison. </u>Unlike a simile -- a direct comparison --, which uses the support words "as" or "like", a metaphor does not use any support words. It simply states that thing A is thing B, instead of thing A is like thing B. For example:
- Your eyes are like stars. -- simile
- Your eyes are stars. -- metaphor
The purpose of a metaphor is to attribute the characteristics of one thing to another by comparing them, even if in reality they are not similar at all. When I say someone's eyes are stars, I don't mean it literally, of course. I refer to their beautiful brightness.
<u>That is precisely what Douglass does in all three examples in the question. Slavery does not literally have bitter dregs. It is not a dark night. The vessels were not ghosts. Douglass is making these indirect comparisons to attribute characteristics of one thing to the other. On dark nights, we can feel scared, lost, hopeless. By saying slavery is a dark night, Douglass may mean slavery made him feel that way.</u>
Synonym Of maternal Is Kind..
Hope helpz~
The story Mulan gives Chinese culture positive light in various ways. One example, being the obvious, an approch to equality. The legendary story had sexist accusations which was the main obstacle for the chinnese woman. Later in the story she decides to dress up as a man in order to fill her destiny. This gives young Chinese girls inspiration that they can do just about anything despite their race or gender, which is just a singular example of how Mulan puts chinese culture in a positive light.