One advantage would be fertility
Tissue damage activates nociceptors or pain receptors in the skin. A signal is sent to the peripheral nerve to the spinal cord where neurotransmitters or chemical messengers are released. It activates other nerves to pass signal to the brain. The signals are relayed to the somatosensory cortex for sensation, frontal cortex for thinking and limbic system for emotional response.
Written below.
5. During meiosis, a reproductive cell and its nucleus divide twice and produce four cells––two pairs of identical haploid cells.
6. Homologous chromosomes are two pieces of DNA within a diploid organism that carry the same genes, one from each parental source. In simpler terms, both of your parents provide a complete genome. Each parent provides the same 23 chromosomes, which encode the same genes.
The answer is; Warm water moves to the east instead of to the west
Normally, when the waters in the Pacific warm up, the prevailing winds that blow from east to west drag the warm surface currents westwards and upwelling of cold currents occur at the west coast of South America. However, in El Nino, the Pacific ocean waters heat more than usual. The prevailing winds weaken and begin to blow predominantly towards the east. The warm currents are therefore dragged to the east and cause torrential rains in Western coast South Americas.
the atmospere would drift off into space
none needed