Its B: Then he said again, "I'll be back to check on you. One wrong move and off you go to prison too."
I took the test
You will need to provide the text that you are analysing for a specific answer, but basically, you are looking for any time where the author has used describing words that you would use for humans on object or animal, or where the author is making the object/animal use human characteristics like speech.
the effect that this may have on the piece could be that it creates a friendlier atmosphere if the object/animals are described in a positive and useful way but it can work in reverse as well.
Napoleon gets the wily lawyer Mr. Whymper to spread propaganda around the local area about how incredibly well the farm is doing under his leadership. It's all a complete lie, of course; life on the farm is characterized by tyranny, bloodshed, and chronic food shortages, but Napoleon wants Whymper to believe that everything's on the up and the up and that the farm has never been more successful.
He wants him to believe this because he's taken the decision to trade with humans in the neighboring farms and villages. If the humans find out about the real conditions on the farm, then they'll try to take advantage of the situation, insisting on paying a lower price for the goods that Napoleon plans to trade with them. They might even go one stage further and use the farm's economic weakness as an excuse to mount a full-scale invasion and ended Napoleon's rule. That's the last thing the power-hungry pig wants, so he's keen to make sure that his false picture of reality is the only one that the outside world will ever get to see.
I would write about something that you are passionate about.
They come to appreciate the writer's craft as they consider the feelings, ... Describe characters based on speech, action, and interactions with others; Make ... Articulate an opinion and support it with evidence; Skim for facts, and take notes ... of their choice from a selection of award-winning works by renowned authors