The Upanishads related to the people, let anyone study the text.
The Upanishads related to the people, let anyone study the text. In Brahmanism, only priests could. The Hindu epic poems talk about the key beliefs of Hinduism, which are the following: nature of the soul, of life, and of God and the importance of various Hindu practices.
The last country to abolish slavery (in the Western world) was Brazil. It abolished slavery in 1888, by the time that almost 4 million slaves were transported from Africa to Brazil.
In the whole world, Mauritania was the last country to abolish slavery.
Anti-semitism refers the the ideology against the Jewish race. It describes discrimination and hostility against this group. According to Britannica, the term was coined by Wihelm Marr to coordinate the anti-Jewish sentiment campaigns during the late 1800s.