Thematic understanding consider the events listed under “work, exchange, and technology” and “politics and power” for the period
1776– 1787 on the thematic timeline on page 149. how did war debt and inflation influence the development of political institutions during these years?
During this time, debt and inflation issues were largely an outcome of states being more powerful than the Federal government because the federal government couldn’t preserve any significant control over economics, which was particularly upsetting because the United States unsettled a lot of money in war debts. There has been a reconfiguration of the United States government, because of the failure of the Articles of Confederation which included a president, federal treasury and bicameral legislature.
I'm going out on a limb here and figuring that you're talking about a specific poster that rings a bell. Basically, it portrays the Germans as evil people, and inspires young British men to enlist in the army to fight them.