Sumer or Sumeria is still thought to be the birthplace of slavery, which grew out of Sumer into Greece and other parts of ancient Mesopotamia. The Ancient East, specifically China and India, didn't adopt the practice of slavery until much later, as late as the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC.
Songhai’s vegetation is composed of plants such as palm
nuts, kola nuts, yams and fruits. Vegetation
in Songhai was made possible due to its fertile soil that makes it suitable for
farming. Other areas in Africa in comparison are dry.
because they have a lot of bread and make it the most
Anti-Federalist, weaker, threaten, not sign
The Americans who objected to the creation of stronger US federal government and opposed the ratification of the US constitution of 1787 were known as anti-federalists.
The anti-federalists believed that the constitution granted too much power to the federal government and hence it could easily encroach upon the powers of states and the rights of the people. Patrick Henry was the man who led the Anti-federalists, other leaders were James Winthrop and George Mason. Their major contribution was that they got the Bill of Rights added to the constitution.