Segregation in United states were legitimized under the doctrine separate but equal mentioned in the constitution. The constitution was actually misinterpreted and the supreme court gave a land mark verdict in the Brown Vs. Board of education case.
During 1950s Jim Crow laws made segregation legal. African Americans were treated badly during that time. The main effect of segregation was that people started to show hatred and disgust to one group of people who belonged to one particular race. Public utilities were segregated based on the ethnicity and race of the people. African Americans were given different rest rooms, cabs, public transports, schools, even the place of drinking water facility were segregated for the whites and blacks.
Separate but equal doctrine in the constitution aimed for equal protection of all but it carried a subtle component of inequality which was recognized by the supreme court and a landmark verdict was given in Brown Vs. Board of education case stating that segregation must be banned.
The congress was very powerful at the time and needed to be put in line. The two branches were created to control it. The remaining two branches were not specifically enumerated as thoroughly because they were still weak at the time and their power developed over time.
The League of Nations was established after WWl between the United States and some European countries as an attempt to try to stay out of future wars. It was proposed by President Woodrow Wilson, but Congress denied involvement in the organization due to the fact that they believed we should not be meddling in Europe's affairs.