I'm on that right now i understand the code but don't get how to use it on this one! do you have the answer yet?
The Ottoman Empire and the Ming Dynasty had different views of the world and their place in it. Islam under the Ottoman Empire and Neo-Confucianism under the Ming Dynasty influenced the political, economic, military, and diplomatic interactions with others outside of their realm.
There were many tools during the Age of Exploration that was used by the Europeans. These include, but are not limited too:
<u>Compass:</u> The Compass was created by taking advantage of the magnetic north & south poles. Depending on which side you face, your compass will point towards the magnetic pole, showing you which direction you are facing.
<u>Astrolabe:</u> The Astrolabe was used to help determine the latitude the in which the ship was at. This helps pinpoint their distance, and can help them find out how fast they have been going since previous read, as well as how far away they are from land/destination/etc.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional.