on July 14 1789
an outraged group of parisians stormed the bastille a fortress and prison in france we're prisoners of influence were held in hopes of capturing ammunition the French recognize Bastille day as the end of the monarchy and beginning of the modern Republic
In the United States, there are currently 45 individuals that have served as a president.
Although there has been 45 presidents overall, technically there has been 46 presidencies due to Grover Cleveland who was elected two times not back to back.
The Byzantines sent wave after wave of christian missionaries to the Slavic lands, which sorrounded the Byzantine Empire.
Two of the most important missionaries were Saint Cyril and Saint Methodious. They were brothers, and converted many slavs to Orthodox Christianity, specially those living in Moravia. They also invented the cyrilic alphabet to give a script to the Slavic languages, and help spread christianity faster. Hence the name of the alphabet.
The issue of race in South Africa is an ongoing societal conflict. This conflict seemingly began in the colonial-era when the South African region attracted European attention with its minerals, riches, and resources. This led to areas being governed by both the British and Dutch, who even after the abolishment of slavery in the area, continued to bring in slaves. During the apartheid era, white majority rule was maintained and promoted the separation of whites and people of color (Africans, Indians, and Asians) who were sometimes former slaves. Post-apartheid (apartheid=segregation by race) South Africa’s history still feels the effects of these past issues with the continuing violence, racism, and hate crimes between whites and people of color in the area.
Based on the Declaration of Independence and on the words of Isaiah Berlin, I can say that I agree that both statements “constitute the irreducible minimum of the ideal of equality”. On the first statement from the Declaration of Independence, we can see that when it says “all men are created equal” it is including minorities groups that are usually discriminated against due to race, gender or nationality. Basically, it states that all people are equal and should not be discriminated on the basis of race, gender or nationality.
On the second statement by philosopher Berlin, the focus is not only on the fact that one man should count as one but also it highlights that no men should be counted as more than one. Here, Berlin wants to indicate that of you are rich and powerful; you are still only one person and cannot be thought of as more worthy than the rest.
To sum up both concepts mention that all men are created equal, the first one focusing on no discrimination against minority groups; and the second one focusing on no power abuse.