ANSWER: The completion of the Human Genome Project
Human Genome Project (HGP) was completed in April, 2003. Genome varies from one individual to another.
The project involved mapping and sequencing of some people and in other to get each chromosome full sequence in individuals.
However, at the beginning of this project, concerns like ownership and privacy of personal genetic information began to spring up. People are afraid that employers may have access to their genetic information and would reject persons with health issues indicated by their unique genes and health insurance companies may also not provide insurance to people that have deficiency.
In the view of this concern, the United States in 1996 passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which guides against the non-consensual and unauthorized release of health information of individuals.
Essential amino acids refer to the eight amino acids the adult body needs, which they cannot be synthesized correctly or at all.
The essential amino acids must be obtained from food such as proteins (meats, seafood, milk, eggs, etc).
Ticks .
Characters : 2 Body segments , 8 legs and No Antenna .
What do you think plants need to grow and stay healthy? Soil, water, sunlight, and oxygen. 2. Soil is a combination of tiny rock fragments and decayed plant materials.