Are you looking for an appropriate word to name this?
I think that a good name is "propaganda", especially when the information is of political relevance.
In the past (and to some extend present) some totalitarian or non-democratic states used propaganda to shape public opinion.
It brought electricity to rural areas; it contributed to the end of sharecropping; it helped modernize agriculture.
Georgia is one of the states that most benefited from Franklin D Roosevelt's New Deal because the President would summer in Warm Springs, Georgia. He knew some of the state's problems first hand. FDR implemented federal programs that paid farmers to stop producing cotton as a means to address the oversupply that was occurring and to raise the price. Roosevelt's intention was to help the tenant farmers and sharecroppers to become self-supporting small farmers and there were some local successes in that the New Deal was the first federal program that concretely helped rural residents to improve their farms and homesteads. Yet the small landowner was still outdone by the larger planters who took advantage of federal funds to mechanize their farms.
The answer is group polarization
Group polarization is the tendency for groups to make decisions more extreme than the initial attitudes of individual members. Attending these racist group meetings has caused Claudette to become more hateful towards minorities than she was at first
Henry Ford first used what was common in other industrial factories in his own. He created a perfect assembly line where a car was manufactured in just under 90 minutes instead of the usual 13 hours. This perfection in manufacturing meant that no time was to go wasted, this meant that workers were a psrt of a single aspect in the assembly line instead of doing 2 or 3 jobs within production. He created a complex system of trolleys and slides that helped with this purpose of maximizing efficiency. The mass production meant that they could sell more cars and keep their prices down and increasing profits at the same time. He created cars not only with mass production in mind but also with mass consumption. Henry Ford wanted everybody to own a car, not just the little upper rich class.