Of Magellans ship's only one returned to Spain and with a small crew for the second one, the size of the Earth had been known for over 1000 years. Also for a round voyage Magellans crew passed all 3 oceans.
Social Darwinism viewed the wealthy aristocracy, or upper class, as having the most socially valued class. It was believed that social status was largely heredity. This means that the social classes were divided due to genetics.
The D-Day invasion took years of planning, and, in months leading up to it, the Allies began a military deception strategy known as Operation Bodyguard. This operation was intended to mislead German forces as to the exact day and location of the suspected invasion.
Those planning the invasion determined specific weather conditions based on moon phases, time of day, and ocean tides that would be most ideal for a successful invasion. When the appointed time of the invasion came, the weather was far from these conditions, and the invasion was pushed back a day
On the morning of D-Day, paratroopers and glider troops were sent behind enemy lines by the thousands to secure bridges and exit roads. Then, at 6:30 in the morning, the beach landings began. By the end of the day, over 150,000 Allied troops had successfully stormed and captured Normandy’s beaches—but at a high price. By some estimates, over 4,000 of the Allied forces lost their lives. Thousands more were recorded as wounded or missing.
In the election of 1800, Jefferson and Burr tied.
The main issue is that second place got VP, instead of a ticket running together. So, a President would not have the choice of VP.