Sunlight and water.
The sun is the plant's most important nutrient. Plants convert sunlight into sugars in order to grow. Water is needed in two ways, it serves as both a solvent for mineral salts that are carried inside plant cells, and it is an essential component of photosynthesis. The questioner might have asked "name one" so they don't have enough information to answer with any greater certainty - but the answer remains the same regardless of how many nutrients they ask about.
Minerals are also required by plants in order to function properly including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium just to name a few minerals which are found in healthy nutritious produce!
The correct answer is CSA.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is an alternative model for the distribution of agricultural products directly from the farmer to the consumer, it consists of a group of people who form a cooperative to grow and consume food. Through this socio-economic model, consumers lend their support to producers, in exchange for a direct and regular delivery of biological products, that is, producers and consumers support each other and share the benefits and risks of food production.
The answer is C. The Scientific Method is the method used whenever you want to explain or figure out anything scientifically. It involves hypothesis, experiments, and conclusions