<span>This command resets the Winsock catalog to the default configuration. This can be useful if a malformed LSP is installed that results in loss of network connectivity. While use of this command can restore network connectivity, it should be used with care because any previously-installed LSPs will need to be re-installed. </span>
Gdp excludes the most of items that are produced and sold illegally and also most of the items that are produced and consumed at home because the products which are illelegal are not sold under government policies and are not authorised.
GDP: It is been referred as the total value of all the goods and services which has been produced for the marketplace within one year's period and within our national borders.
Measurment of GDP:
- It will record only the value of final output of goods no intermediate goods are included in it.
- The output here is valued only at its market prices.
- It measures the values of both tangible and intangible services.
- It measures the values of goods which are produced within the geographic boundaries of country.
Where this GDP is countable:
It is countable only where the products are produced in economy and are being sold legally in the markets.
Excludes the products being sold illegally.
e. Sunk cost.
As per the given statement, the best appropriate option is sunk cost. As the sunk cost deals with the past cost which is already incurred in the past and it cannot be changed or avoided, neither it can be recovered. Example - Rent expense.
Plus it does not affect the future decisions that means it is irrelevant for decision-making aspects.
It represents the Integration stage
Money laundering is an illegal chain of activities done by individuals or corporate bodies to change the status of money gotten through a criminal activity into legitimate money. This chain of activities starts with the Placement stage then transforms into the Layering stage, then ends when it is already integrated into the legitimate financial system through the Integration stage.
After the money launderer conceals the illegal money through bank deposits or purchasing a life insurance policy at the Placement stage, the launderer then proceeds to further break the money into smaller amounts to evade suspicion by numerous transactions and bank deposits at the Layering stage, which is then ended by partial or whole surrenders of life insurance policies to make it now legitimate money.
B. The higher the price, the larger the quantity produced.