Answer: The response that is expected when it broadcast an ARP request is one or zero.
Explanation: ARP request means Address Resolution Protocol which is a protocol responsible for the mapping of the IP(Internet protocol)address of a system to the MAC(Media Access Control) layer. Only one response is received only if the IP address is present in the ARP otherwise if the IP address does not matches then no response is returned.Thus only one or zero response can be received when a ARP request is process.
To look up functions and their purposes
Answer: or element_id Specifies the relationship between the result of the calculation, and the elements used in the calculation
form form_id Specifies which form the output element belongs to
name name Specifies a name for the output element
top down approach
Top down approach is process of breaking down system into sub-system which helps in formulating the overall system. At the end every sub system can be refined with more details.
While bottom up approach is process of gathering systems to design large complex system.
Top down is better as basic information is present and resources can be utilized effectively without impacting maintennance and operations.