All Bolivian citizens have access to adequate medical care since 2019, when Law 1152 (Unified Health System) was promulgated.
The Unified Health System (Sistema Unico de Salud) is the governmental medical coverage that Bolivia grants to its citizens, in which the minimum, basic and necessary medical benefits for every inhabitant of the country are guaranteed. In this way, health coverage reaches the entire Bolivian population.
Deviance is being under or to accept other standards of bad behavior. Crime is basically an offence and it recognized my city, st, gov. Together they differentia because crime is based on a rule like a law and defiance is you have your option and you can ovoid them
It's 1000 gecs. I'm not really sure but this is what I found when I was doing my research.
<h2>A. Each person is responsible for his or her own actions </h2>