Pavlovian Conditioning, because it is off of Pavlov's dogs, who discovered that creatures can associate things subconsciously with other things (such as having a bad meal on a first date, you may now associate moldy food with that person).
Within the joint environment, cooperation requires team players, and the willingness to share credit with all team members.
Option A
After a team completes its given task successfully, the organization is required to give credit to all the team members. This not only helps them grow as a team but also as an individual. Sharing credits among the whole team helps in team bonding.
When selective people are pointed out from a team for their efforts and results, the rest of the members tend to feel that their work did not matter in the completion of the task. It further builds up tension among the team members, leading to problems in the future in providing desired outcome. Over all, the organization will fail to achieve its goal when its members do not feel as valued for their efforts as others.
In the North Korean government, the Cabinet is the administrative and executive body. ... The judicial system is theoretically held accountable to the SPA and the ... Under the new constitution, North Korea is a socialist state representing the ... Although the WPK is (in theory) organizationally similar to communist parties
The answer is : no, if the safety of being insured was worth more to her than the monetary cost of the premium
For example, A soccer athlete paid insurance premium for $100,000 a year while he get an annual salary of $15,000,000 a year
if the clause was met, he'll get $ 20,000,000 from the insurance claim.
In this case, it more beneficial if the athlete still kept his leg because he can easily get more than $ 20,000,000 by two years of working
hope this helps