To ,
The Concern specialists/Editor/Citizens
Subject: To Generate Cash for social assistance right now tempest and debacle .
Dear partners ,
We are confronting an incredible test to loss of our home and harms to our infrastructural improvement . As, I am another business visionary . I wish to contribute cash to greatest individuals with the goal that they can fix their home. This can not be conceivable without your important commitment and backing. I demand each resident , understudies, clients of treats, specialists and so forth to contribute wilfully at all you wish to do right now cause and at the hour of crisis.
Looking for your gifts and an important commitment.
Yours Sincerely,
Holding period return = 14.49%, Standard Deviation = 11.08 approx
Eco Scenario Dividend Stock Price HPR Prob Expected HPR
Boom 3 60 26 0.33 8.58
Normal 1.2 58 18.4 0.33 6.072
Recession 0.75 49 (0.5) 0.33 <u> (0.165)</u>
Expected HPR 14.49%
<u>Calculation Of Standard Deviation</u>
(A) (B) (A) - (B)
Given return Exp return d p 
60 50 3 26 14.49 11.51 0.33 43.718
58 50 1.2 18.4 14.49 3.91 0.33 5.045
49 50 0.75 (0.5) 14.49 14.99 0.33 <u> 74.15</u>
= 122.91
wherein, d = deviation
p = probability
Standard Deviation =
= 11.08
<u>Working Note</u>:
Holding period return = 
Boom =
= 26%
Similarly, for normal =
= 18.4%
Recession =
= (0.5)%
figure in bracket indicates negative return
Serving of Alcohol. The holder of a Private Club Exemption Certificate Permit (NE) is authorized to serve alcoholic beverages to its members and their guest(s) for consumption on the licensed premises. Only members may pay for the service of an alcoholic beverage.