<span>There are two types of reproductive strategies: r and k
r- strategy is the type of organism that makes alot of babies. They have limited to no parent care. They also have a high death rate, but matures rapidly. The growth curve would be exponential like X^2.
For example: Think r for RATS because even if you think you killed all the rats, there are constantly making more.
k-strategy is the type of organism that makes a single or few babies. The give alot of attention/parent care. They mature slow, and low death rate. The growth curve is sigmuodial. The have a limited to how much species live in that environment called the carrying capacity. Carrying capacity = maximum of # of population within an environment (food, living space, etc).
For example: Think K for Kangaroo. </span>
D. The Ricardian model assumes labor is perfectly mobile
This model assumes that labor is perfectly mobile, tech is constant, and markets are perfectly competitive. It was developed by David Ricardo in his classical theory of comparative advantage which explains why countries engage in international trade even though their production may be more efficient than its trade partners. The comparative advantage of countries were explained and based on these assumptions.