From birth one cannot speak or walk but when you start to grow us as a child you gain these necessary abilities like speech, understanding speech and walking without support
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition which includes trouble with concentration, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
ADHD sometimes starts in childhood, and can continue in adulthood. This may lead to poor self-esteem, unstable relationships and school or job difficulties, it mostly affects children and teenagers, which can persist into adulthood. The most frequently diagnosed childhood psychiatric illness is ADHD. Children with ADHD are potentially hyperactive and unable to control their impulses. Or, they may have problems paying attentive.
People with ADHD may also have trouble focusing their attention on a single task or sitting still for long periods of time.
The land of Tibet and highest palace in the world jun 8, 2017 marija georgievska the potala palace, located in the Lhase valley, is the greatest monument in Tibet. It was the home of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama, who had to leave Tibet in 1959 because of the tibetan uprising