The answer would be E
Excess return, also known as alpha, is a measure of how much a fund has under or outperformed the benchmark against which it is compared.
metric allows investors to compare sets of funds against each other, in order to see which fund has generated greater excess returns.
Answer: Los anticuerpos son proteínas especializadas en forma de Y que se unen como un candado y llave a los invasores extraños del cuerpo, ya sean virus, bacterias, hongos o parásitos. Son el batallón de "búsqueda" del sistema de búsqueda y destrucción del sistema inmunológico, encargado de encontrar un enemigo y marcarlo para su destrucción.
I really want to say income statement
Answer: Positioning strategy
Explanation: In simple words it refers to a marketing strategy under which an organisation tries to spotlight specific areas of operations and qualities in the eyes of customers that they have better in comparison to their competitors.
In the given case, The food brewery is offering its product in a different way than the other participants and is trying their best to highlight that quality.
Thus, we can conclude that they are using positioning strategy.