upper class single women normally lived at home until they married, they would go out with their mothers or with some other respectable chaperone (an aunt, a married sister, a governess etc) doing visiting, shopping etc. balls, theatres, concerts etc would be enjoyed, especially for the opportunity to meet eligible young men.
most likely drinking tea
1. Thus, for example, Tolstoyan and Gandhism non violence is both a philosophy and strategy for social change that rejects the use of violence, but at the same time it sees nonviolent action (also called civil resistance) as an alternative to passive acceptance of oppression or armed struggle against it.
2. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a nonviolent civil rights movement in the South. ... Chávez led a nonviolent movement in California that worked to better the lives of people in demanding civil rights and social and economic justice.
3. We Should Resist Injustice Everywhere with Non-Violent Disobedience. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Dr. King says that we're all responsible for justice across the nation—and around the world. Justice isn't defined or contained by mere laws.
I do not seen attatchment but,
a rhetorical question is usually meant to have no answer and more to make a point
an example of this is
"She was arrested, how unlucky is that?"
Lima (capital of Peru in South America), Madison (capital of Wisconsin in North America), London (Capital of England in Europe), Beijing (Capital of China in Asia), Canberra (Capital of Australia in, well Australia)!
C is the correct answer..