I believe in modern time we’ve adapted to an linear view of time, think about it there’s so many different ways we measure life in absurd percussion. A stopwatch measures time up to a millisecond.
I think that level of detail is used to push humans psychology into spending their life more efficiently.
I think life can FEEL cyclical, especially when repeating the same old everyday. 7 days a week 12 months a year 365 days a year
it can get exhausting with man made concepts.
in those 12 months, we experience the SAME seasons, and holidays at the SAME time every year making our life’s less predictable and structured.
I really need to get to my point
Time must be linear We can’t go back in time. Things don’t break and go back together. We age. Hot coffee turns cold.
D. Appointing dictators All of the following powers were exercised by the Roman Senate during the Republic except for appointing dictators because many dictators mainly rose by power, wealth, or forcing their way up.