Spanish answer
A menudo se recomienda repartir las calorías por igual a lo largo del día. Por ejemplo, si su objetivo es 1500 calorías por día, es posible que desee comer tres comidas que proporcionen alrededor de 500 calorías cada una. Si desea incluir refrigerios, es posible que desee consumir menos de 500 calorías en las comidas.
English translation
Question How many calories do you need to consume in the three meals?
It's for today
answer Spreading out your calories equally throughout the day is often encouraged. For example, if you are aiming for 1,500 calories per day, you may want to eat three meals that provide about500 calories each. If you want to include snacks, you may want to aim for less than 500 calories at meals
<em>1- nosotros permitimos</em>
<em>2- tú corres</em>
<em>3- usted vive</em>
<em>4- ustedes cierran</em>
<em>5- yo como</em>
<em />
<em>1- tú practicas</em>
<em>2- yo lanzo</em>
<em>3- yo apago</em>
<em>4- yo seco</em>
<em>5- ella abraza</em>
<em />
<em>1- ella va</em>
<em>2- nosotros damos</em>
<em>3- Mario es </em>
<em>4- tú ves</em>
<em>5- ellos dan</em>
Espero que te sirva/ Hope it helps you ✨
Understand subjects. The subject is the noun that the verb is referring to. ...
Determine the subject. Once you're familiar with subjects, you'll need to find the corresponding noun for the verb. ...
Remove the ending. ...
Conjugate "-ar" verbs. ...
Conjugate "-er" verbs. ...
Conjugate "-ir" verbs