1. Gusta
2. Gusta
3. Gustamos
4. Gustamos
5. Gustan
6. Gustan
I'm pretty sure these are right!! :D
The following is a phrase that Don Quixote says referring to the wise man Frestón, who he thinks stole his house and his library. He explains in your own words the meaning of what he says.
"But after all, their evil arts have little power against the goodness of my sword."
1. Resfriado (común, fuerte)
2. Tensión (arterial, ocular)
3. Trasplante (hepático, renal)
4. Reacción (alérgica, cutánea)
5. Receta (médica, farmacéutica)
Answer: · 12 What do Costa Ricans add to a word to make it mean something smaller? 13 Which of the following phrases most literally translates to I am reading in Spanish?
If you are trying to translate them to spanish...then here it is:
01. un chica pelo castana (the n has a tilde)
02. un chico pelirojo
03. --
04. El hombre de pelo oscuro con ojos oscuros
Hope this helps!!