I was waiting for you, but you did not come.
It was already late, so she went back home.
When two or more phrases are combined together to form one complete sentence, it can be termed as compound phrases. Compound phrases are combined using words like and, for, so, but, yet, etc.
A compound sentence containing a nominative case pronoun can be "I was waiting for you, but you did not come".
A compound sentence containing an objective case pronoun can be "It was already late, so she went back home".
The answer is if we want to be free, we must act.
Neuroscience and Psychology. The scientific study of the brain is indispensable to the scientific study of the mind. Although neuroscience and psychology focus on different domains, neuroscience deals with the realm of physical properties, while psychology deals with the more abstract realm of the mental.
The answer is: Im already tracer
Is there some choices to choose from?