The best choice is 802.11a.
The most common option, that is widely used in home internet is 802.11b, however, this only supports a max speed of 11Mbps.
802.11a supports up to 54Mbps and it has regulated frequencies that prevent interference from other devices, such as the wireless system that your client already has. This option is more expensive, and its signal has issues going through walls and rooms but still, it is the one that fits him the most.
Yes it is. Why are you asking?
class PersonInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.num_kids = 0
def inc_num_kids(self):
self.num_kids += 1
person1 = PersonInfo()
print('Kids:', person1.num_kids)
print('New baby, kids now:', person1.num_kids)
Line 1 of the code, we define the class PersonInfo. Line 3 of the code is the function that will increment the member data num_kids.
This may be a difficult thing to do so for anyone to ACTUALLY answer this you migghttt want to up the amount of points you get for answering maybe, 20-40 points.
Database Management Software.
The software that provides the mechanism to access the database is called Database Management Software.There are two types databases SQL and No SQL.There are various types of database Management Software present online for ex:-My SQL,Microsoft SQL server,Microsoft Access,Postgres SQL,Mongo DB etc.