A title can reveal many things about a story. A title may suggest a main idea or theme for text, or show some insight to a character that will be spoken about in the story. It could also introduce a symbol that the writing may follow or represent. A title is very influential to the reader because it it the first thing that they see, and it gives the first bit of information about what they will be reading. Some titles may have an entirely different meaning before you read a text versus after you read the text; therefore, it is important to analyze the title before and after reading a piece of writing.
I hope this helps! :)
C , because I read slowly
Vasco Núñez de Balboa (c. 1475 – around January 12–21, 1519) was a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. He is best known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513, becoming the first European to lead an expedition to have seen or reached the Pacific from the New World.
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This is a very complex question. Who’s fault it? Essentially, it would be the companies since they are making them for profit. But, don’t they just make them? Or would it be the doctors who prescribe them knowing that it can be addiictive? But, aren’t they prescribing them to help? Both and none of them should be held accountable.
Why both of them should be held accountable: Yes, these companies are the ones who make them in the first place. But, although this is true, they make them for medical professionals. They do make money but not all of them have the goal to make people addiictted to them. They are the ones who make them.
Doctors are the ones who prescribe the medication. Although some of them goes against the doctor oath and sell them to groups and by other means. But most doctors prescribe them to help people. Sometimes doctors prescribe to high doses of these medications, but that’s only some doctors. Some doctors only prescribe them in extreme cases. Blaming all doctors would be very, very wrong.
Why it’s neither their faults: Some people who gets prescribed these medications might sell, distribute, or use them beyond the recommendation. Blaming doctors or the medication companies would be underestimating that individuals are to blame too. Plus, in some cases, people might even fake conditions like anxiety, depression and pain to get prescribed the medication.
End note: In reality, it’s both and neither their faults. Why? Because not all companies and doctors do any wrong. There are people who really need these medications to even be able to function through the day, and there’s some who misuse it. The fact is that these medications are needed, but some people misuse them them.
The answer is 'trochaic tetrameter'. Trochaic because trochee consists of a sequence of first stressed and then unstressed syllables: SAY that HEALTH and WEALTH have MISSED me - words in capital letters are stressed, the rest of them are unstressed.
Tetrameter means that there are 8 syllables. One meter = two syllables. And tetra, meaning four, must have 8 syllables.