I don’t see any answer choices sorry
using her name and she/her instead of and I statements makes it 3rd person, and Because the writer can tell the reader what Harriet is thinking its omniscient, which can mean all knowing.
Bennet's nerves in which Mr. Bennet uses verbal irony to express just how tired he has grown of Mrs. ... Mr. Bennet responds by intentionally vexing his wife through pretending it's not important for the Bennet family to get to know Mr. Bennet
<span>One needs to look now farther than the first paragraph to realize that Vonnegut's tale is laced with irony and satire. The strongest hint is when he mentions that there are over 100 ammendments in the Constitution. All these ammendments are designed to make society "perfect." Later on George and his wife Hazel are discussing how George's handicaps, the bags of birdshot tied to his legs, are terribly inconvenient and painful. Hazel suggests George break a law and remove the bags since he isn't competing against anyone at home. George replies that if he broke the law so would others and they'd end up right back in the "Dark Ages". These examples depict there is no such thing as a perfect society. Equality (in looks, strength, intelligence, etc.) does not bring about perfection and competition is essential for a thriving economy. In every society there are winners and losers. There is no way around that.</span>