B. Both Dilemmas demonstrate the tragic results of war
Oh my lord almost the entire thing is a series of devises, especially irony.
A very obvious example you'd be advised not to use: the irony of Romeo's sacrifice, drinking the poison to be with his love, only to be the cause of her demise. Very poetic.
Another example of irony: The Montague's and Capulet's determination to keep their children safe from the other family, only to drive them both to their graves through increasingly hateful acts.
Honestly the entire story is riddled with irony. Pick a situation where a character makes a choose that ends up doing the oppositite of what they intended.
Im pretty sure effie only said that in the movie
clauses are group of words used in shifting or adding meaning of a verb,
clause, adjective, or another adverb. These clauses can be used if: firstly, a
sentence contains a subject and a predicate. Secondly, when a subordinate
conjunction is used and thirdly, if it answer the ‘adverbial questions’ – when,
why, when and how. It is also further categorized to time, place, manner,
degree, condition, concession and reason.
the sentence: Below a shelf, she found plants with blooms of lavender
petals and yellow centers. </span>
adverb phrase would be letter A: below a shelf</span>
It can help students monitor their reading rate.
It can help students focus on expression each time.
It allows students to become less aware of punctuation.
It allows students to decrease their number of sight words.