Unlike their Minoan and Mycenean ancestors, the Ancient Greeks did not have royalty, and therefore had no need for palaces. This was why their architecture was devoted to public buildings, such as the temple, including the small circular variant (tholos); the central market place (agora), with its covered colonnade (stoa); the monumental gateway or processional entrance (propylon); the council building (bouleuterion) the open-air theatre; the gymnasium (palaestra); the hippodrome (horse racing); the stadium (athletics); and the monumental tomb (mausoleum). But of all these buildings, it is the temple that best captures the qualities of Greek design.
Council of Jerusalem, a conference of the Christian Apostles in Jerusalem about 50 ce that decreed that Gentile Christians did not have to observe the Mosaic Law of the Jews
The U.S. Government feared that Japanese Americans would be more loyal to Japan in comparison to the United States and could engage in espionage or sabotage efforts in the United States. This was not justified and is considered unconstitutional given that this was the targeting of a specific racial group for detention based upon nothing other than their ethnicity. In a report, ordered by the Carter Administration, it was found that there was little evidence of illegal activity by Japanese-American communities against the state and that these were purely racially motivated policies.
The tribes settle into a society similar to that of the old south because of the colonial south and Chesapeake. It is also in the way of the Five Civilized Tribes. These are the times during the civil war and also the rebuilding of the society.