Western Europe 1450-1750 the Roman Catholic church would no longer maintain its unity as a result of the Protestant Reformation ( new sects like Anclicanism,Lutheranism and Calvinism), Wars over religion (30yrs war) would see 1/3 of the population decimated, however reforms of the Catholic church (counter reformation)
Boosted economic prosperity through expansion of trade especially due to the rapid expansion and development of the 7000 mile silk road. The building of this road ensured that trade in farm produce developed a great deal.
No, it is false that once King Hammurabi had conquered Babylon, he isolated himself and his territory from the rest of Mesopotamia, since he was actually one of the most "active" kings of his day in that he injected himself into the affairs of surrounding territories.
I believe that they fought for confederacy but I MIGHT BE WRONG.