1. DDAA, DdAa 2. DDaa, Dada 3. ddAA, ddAa 4. ddaa 5. The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 where 9 combinations will produce offspring with both dominant phenotypes (dimples and brown hair), 3 will produce offspring with one dominant phenotype and one receive phenotype (dimples, blonde hair), 3 will produce offspring with one receive phenotype and one dominant phenotype (no dimples, brown hair), and one will produce offspring with both recessive phenotypes (no dimples, blonde hair)
Molybdenum deficiency symptoms in most plants are associated with a build-up of nitrate in the affected plant part. This is a result of poor nitrate reductase activity. Symptoms include: pale leaves with interveinal and marginal chlorosis (yellowing) and necrosis (scald);