"Genghis Khan"
The Mongol Empire began from this union of many wandering clans in the Mongol motherland beneath the power of Genghis Khan, whom a committee declared king of all the Mongols in 1206. Such an empire expanded quickly following his rule and that of his descendants, who conveyed incursions in all directions.That vast transcontinental empire combined the East with the West by a strengthened Pax Mongolica, supporting the distribution and transfer of business, technologies, products, and beliefs beyond Eurasia.
Near Boston, Massachusetts, in Beacon Hill, Massachusetts
The growth in urban areas comes from both the increase in migration to the cities and the fertility of urban populations.The urbanization of the world is likely to slow population growth. It is also likely to concentrate some environmental effects geographically
Physical Properties of Water (H2O):
It is Colorless Liquid.
It is Tasteless.
It ha a Specific Gravity of 1 at room Temperature.
It freezes at (0) zero, degree Celsius.
It boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Chemical Properties:
It is the BEST solvent of all solvents.
When decomposes, it gives two atoms of Hydrogen (H2) and one atom of Oxygen (O).
It is an excellent diluent for all acids.
It reacts vigorously with Sulphuric Acid(H2SO4) producing HEAT. Acid should be added to Water, Not the other way round.
Water is an essential Nutrient to Humans, Animals and Plants.
The Roma are typically treated bad because the people dont like them.....and that is because they are racist