A desert is a region on the earth surface with little to no rainfall all year round. Deserts also experience a wide range of temperatures daily. During the day, temperature is very high, at night, temperature falls rapidly and it is cold.
These extremes of conditions coupled with some other factors makes deserts badlands for plant growth. The soil is very lose here and contains little to no nutrients. Organic matter is non-existent due to low biodiversity.
Plants that grow in such conditions are called xerophytes. An example is cactus. They have evolved to survive and adapt to such extremes of conditions.
Examples of such deserts around the world are Sahara desert, Namib desert, Atacama desert, Kalahari desert etc.
A plateau formed by a volcanic eruption
Higher unemployment is not a result of the multiplier effect of the given situation.
If an American company opens up facilities in Romania for soft drinks, the effects on the Romanian economy will be positive. Building up such operations will result in a chain reaction as multiple sectors in the country will receive a boost because of the demand of the company for materials and services.
The employment will increase in the country. Not just people that are directly employed by the company itself, but because it will use numerous materials and services from other companies and industries, the chances are that more people will be employed in them as well. Another thing to which this company will result will be greater competition on the market, which leads to higher quality products for lower prices.
Answer: from different ways
whenever there is no rainfall from many years or months people cry for rain and if it rains people think its god blessing.
whenever there is high amount of rainfall and the crops get destroyed so it become curse in India
hope this helps you
have a great day